Home covid Dane County reports 510 new coronavirus cases, three deaths

Dane County reports 510 new coronavirus cases, three deaths


This morning, Dane County confirmed 510 new coronavirus cases, bringing our total to 17,730 with 13,803 cases currently recovered. Active cases jumped to 3,875, or 21.86 percent of all cases — and about 500 more than yesterday.

Public Health of Madison and Dane County reported Wednesday that they will no longer contacting employers of positive cases due to the high number of cases in the county at this time. PHMDC did note that employers will be contacted by contract tracers if the positive employee works in a school, child care, health care or a congregate care facility. For all other positive cases, the responsibility would be on the individual who tested positive to tell their employer and work with them to contact any other person they may have been in contact with during their infection period.

Today, the number of people currently hospitalized in Dane County — both Dane County residents and people from neighboring counties — rose to a record-high 145. Of those 145, 36 are currently in the ICU. For Dane County residents the number of people hospitalized for COVID-19 has surged from 568 to 585. The 17 newly hospitalized people include one in their 20s, one in their 30s, two in their 50s, four in their 60s, three in their 70s, four in their 80s and two in their 90s.

Of the 510 new cases reported today, 231 were attributed to November 5 while an additional 154 cases were attributed to November 4, increasing that day’s positive test count to 223, while 76 more cases were added to November 3 and 62 attributed to November 2. The rest of the new cases were attributed to earlier dates this week.

Every age group from 0-79 saw at least double-digit growth today with adults in their 20s growing the most again with 130 new cases, or 30 percent of all new cases. Those aged 10-19 grew by 86 new cases, those in their 30s added 82 and those in their 40s grew by 72. Adults in their 50s added 48 new cases, children under the age of 10 grew by 32 new cases, adults in their 60s added 29 new cases, and those in their 70s grew by 18. Nine new cases were in their 80s while four were aged 90 or older.

Looking at growth over the past two weeks, adults in their 90s continue to see the largest growth with a 54 percent increase in cases since October 23 while adults in their 80s have grown 37.6 percent. Those in their 70s have also grown over 30 percent with a 34.3 percent increase while children aged 0-9 grew by 33.9 percent since October 23.

For our communities of color, American Indians have grown by 35.2 percent while those who identify as Hispanic have grown by 31.2 percent. Those who are Black have grown by 23.22 percent while those who are Asian have grown by 22.4 percent since October 23.

The most updated data on positive test percentage for a single day is for November 5 at 4.6 percent while the positive test percentage for November 4 has increased to 5.56 percent. The positive percentage for November 3 has also adjusted to 6.85 percent and November 2 has grown to 7.2 percent. Madison365 expects that these numbers will be adjusted as more negative and positive tests are fully processed and attributed to the appropriate dates in the coming days. The break down for each day can be found on Public Health of Madison and Dane County’s Dashboard.

Yesterday at 2 pm, UW’s COVID-19 dashboard update included 49 new COVID-19 positive cases from on campus testing with 45 students and four employees. The seven-day percent positive rate for students has remained steady at 2.0 percent while the seven-day average of all positive cases has fell to 32.9 cases per day. In total, according to UW’s Smart Restart Dashboard, there are now 3,520 students who have tested positive and 214 employees for a total of 3,734 cumulative cases for UW students and staff.

Madison365 updated our weekly map for COVID-19 cases within our county tracts this past Friday. Our team will continue to update this data and publish it weekly.

We will have an update later this afternoon for statewide numbers after 2 pm.