Goodman Community Center still collecting food and financial gifts as Thanksgiving baskets begin to be packed


    Goodman Community Center recently appealed to the Madison community seeking gifts to help 4,000 Dane County families celebrate the holiday season with food for a Thanksgiving meal. Food and financial gifts are still needed to reach that goal this year, and there is still time through tomorrow to donate.

    This is the 35th annual Thanksgiving Basket Drive for Goodman and it has seen plenty of community support with food coming into their Waubesa St. location already. Volunteers are ready to start packing bags tomorrow, but they are still shy of their goal to provide for 4,000 families. 

    From the most recent numbers as of Nov. 15, the non-profit still seeks 1,123 frozen turkeys, 5,382 canned vegetables, 751 mac and cheese boxes, 3,519 gravy, 3,859 cranberry sauce cans, 2,439 broth, 3,300 stuffing, and 1,250 roaster pans. If purchasing and dropping off food items is not possible but you are still looking to help, online donations will be used for last-minute grocery runs in an effort to meet the goal. 

    If donating food, financial help, or time is not possible, it is always worthwhile to spread the word as well to push towards a great Thanksgiving holiday time for the families being provided a basket. For those families who did register for a basket, Goodman would like them to rest assured that they will not be let down this year as everyone makes the best effort to reach the basket drive goal. 

    To learn more about the Thanksgiving Basket Drive and Goodman Community Center, visit their website here