More than a month after an interracial couple found a disturbing racist slur spray painted on their garage door, the Stamford, Conn., residents now say they are under attack by the very people who they hoped would protect them.

Heather Lindsay, who is white, said the graffiti was spray painted on her garage door – the N word in big, bold letters – and has been there since her black husband, Lexene Charles, noticed it on the Saturday before Martin Luther King Day, more than a month ago. Heather then contacted to have her garage door looked at.


The City of Stamford has issued the couple a blight citation, which carries a $100 daily fine, for failing to remove or cover up the N-word in front of their home. Lindsay said she won’t remove the racial slur from her garage door until authorities “do their job” and “not just cover it up and sweep it under the table as they have done in the past.”

“For them to be called nig—-, it must be so hurtful that they can easily just erase the board and suffer within, quietly by themselves, and act like nothing happened,” said Darnell Crosland, legal counsel for the state NAACP. “And in fact, that’s what the Stamford police asked them to do. They were requested to take the sign down … and to just act normal, like nothing happened.”

The attorney called on the Stamford Police Department to conduct a full investigation of the incident and assure the couple that they are safe.

“What we want you do to is to go canvass this neighborhood and find out who did this,” Crosland said. “What we want you to do is to put a patrol car out here and act like you give a damn, and make sure these people are protected.”