Police were called at 9:04 p.m. Thursday to the 1300 block of Morrison Street on reports of a burglary. Police were told a man was acting oddly and was chest-deep in Lake Monona.
According to police, neighbors reported seeing the man talking to himself and throwing a rock at a home, breaking a window. At that point, police received another phone call from the homeowner with the broken window, who reported that their home was being broken into.
The officer was waiting for backup when the suspect approached the officer with a four-pronged pitchfork, according to officers. Koval described the pitchfork as something used to shovel seaweed. The officer shot the man after several commands for the man to stand back.
Other officers administered first aid. The man was taken to the hospital and later pronounced dead, according to Madison police.
Few details are being released about the suspect. Koval described him as a white male. His name is not being released, pending family notification.
The Department of Criminal Investigation, under the Department of Justice, is investigating the shooting.
It will be up to the Dane County Medical Examiner to identify the deceased and determine the cause and manner of death, according to police.