Central High School District of Westosha associate principal Sean Leavy has been named principal at Madison East High School, according to an email to East staff from Madison Metropolitan School District Superintendent Dr. Carlton Jenkins. District staff provided the email to Madison365.
Leavy replaces Brendan Kearney, who left for a leadership role in another school district.
Leavy has been associate principal at the Central High School District of Westosha, a high school with about 1,100 students west of Kenosha, for 10 years, according to the email. Previously, he worked two years as assistant principal at Columbus City Schools, the largest school district in Ohio. His experience also includes three years as assistant principal at Beloit Memorial High School and seven years as a high school social studies teacher.
Leavy earned a bachelor’s degree from Mississippi Valley State University and master’s from Ohio State. he holds a Director of Instruction administrator certification, and is expected to complete his District Administrator certification next year, both from Viterbo University in La Crosse.
“We are excited to welcome Mr. Leavy to MMSD, and look forward to him building deep, trusting relationships with students, families, and staff, and to ensure collaboration for success. He is a leader who brings strong belief in creating a welcoming and belonging learning environment which is safe, anti-racist, socially just, and promotes career, college and community readiness,” Jenkins wrote.