In celebration of Black History Month, the 6th Annual Solomon Carter Fuller Event will be held Friday, Feb. 19 and Saturday, Feb. 20, at Fountain of Life Church and the Urban League of Greater Madison.
This event is a two-day event featuring Dr. Consuelo Wilkins, executive director of the Vanderbilt-Meharry Alliance, who will address Alzheimer’ disease and its effects in the Black community with special attention to the effects on Black men.
Dr. Wilkins will address Alzheimer’ disease and its effects in the black community with special attention to the effects on Black men. A reception and Q&A will follow Dr. Wilkins’ talk with a panel of African American male caregivers. No registration required. Don’t miss this monumental event.
For more information, call Fabu Carter at 608-256-1901, Ext: 11685 or Charlie Daniel at 608-204-9789.