Home Featured State Patrol officers shoot, kill man outside Fort Atkinson after chase

State Patrol officers shoot, kill man outside Fort Atkinson after chase

State Patrol officers shoot, kill man outside Fort Atkinson after chase
Photo courtesy of our news partner, Channel3000.com.

The Wisconsin Department of Justice is investigating a fatal shooting by three State Patrol officers after a chase on Wednesday afternoon.

In a press release Wednesday evening, the state Department of Justice said that the chase began with a traffic stop on Highway 26 between Watertown and Johnson Creek. According to the release, the driver stopped briefly and a passenger got out of the vehicle, after which the driver fled the scene and officers pursued.

Police radio recordings indicate that the passenger was apprehended a short time later in Johnson Creek, and that police deployed spike strips to disable the vehicle. On the radio recordings, a dispatcher said shots were fired shortly after the driver fled, and later an officer can be heard saying the driver had been shooting at the pursuing officers.

Ultimately the car lost its tires and came to rest on the median, and the driver got out, armed with a handgun, according to the release. Three patrol officers opened fire, then attempted to render aid, but the man died at the scene.

Radio recordings indicate that police requested EMS and MedFlight, and multiple media reports indicate that MedFlight was on the scene.

The DOJ release said the three patrol officers have been placed on administrative leave, per department policy, and that the state Department of Criminal Investigations would investigate the incident.

We will update this story as more information becomes available.