Home Local News Voting in the presidential election today: What you need to know

Voting in the presidential election today: What you need to know


Polling places are open 7 a.m.-8 p.m. for the Nov. 3 Presidential Election.  Your polling location is based on where you live.  Look up your polling place at myvote.wi.gov .

To be eligible to vote in this election, you need to be 18 years old or older, a United States citizen, have resided in the district for at least 28 consecutive days, and, if convicted of a felony, have completed all the terms of your sentence, including probation, parole, and/or extended supervision.

If you’ve moved from one Wisconsin address to another within 28 days of the election, you’re able to vote at the polling location of your previous address.

When you arrive at your polling location, you will state your name and address at the poll book, show the poll workers your voter ID , and sign the poll book.  The address on your ID does not matter.  An expired Wisconsin driver license/ID, U.S. passport, or military ID may be used as voter ID as long as the expiration date is Nov, 7, 2018 or later.

If you do not have an acceptable voter ID you may vote provisionally.  If you vote provisionally and get a copy of your ID to the Clerk’s Office by 4:00 pm on Friday, Nov. 6, your ballot will be counted by the Board of Canvassers that evening.  The Dane County Voter ID Coalition can help you obtain a free Wisconsin ID.  Their hotline is (608) 285-2141.

You can register or update your voter registration at the polls with proof of address.  The name and address on the your proof of address document needs to match the name and address on your voter registration form.  Proof of address may be electronic, and it could be any one of the following types of documents:

  • Utility bill issued in the last 90 days (water, gas, electric, phone, cable, or internet)
  • Bank statement (bank, credit union, credit card, mortgage statement)
  • Current and valid Wisconsin driver license/ID
  • Government document (federal, state, county, municipal, tribal, UW, Madison College, or public school)
  • Paycheck
  • Residential lease effective on Election Day
  • Certified housing list from UW-Madison or Edgewood College (available at absentee voting sites and at the polls)
  • Affidavit from a social service agency providing services to the homeless
  • Contract or intake document from a nursing home or residential care facility

Residency in Wisconsin is determined by voter intent and is a personal decision. If you’re a college student, you would choose between registering to vote at your campus housing or at your parents’ address.

If you moved to Wisconsin after Oct. 6 you have not lived in the state long enough to establish residency for voting purposes.  If you’re in this situation and you’re not eligible to vote absentee in your state of previous residence, you may apply for a Presidential Ballot.  You will need to complete a voter registration application, show proof of address, submit an authorization to cancel your previous voter registration, complete an application for a presidential ballot, and show an acceptable form of voter ID.  You’ll be issued a ballot for the offices of President and Vice President only.

Voters with questions or concerns are encouraged to contact the City Clerk’s Office at (608) 266-4601 or [email protected].

Anyone may observe the closing on the polls.  Election results will be announced at each polling location.  The unofficial results will be posted on the County Clerk’s website  on election night.