Home Events WWOCN’s 2022 Women’s History Celebration

WWOCN’s 2022 Women’s History Celebration

WWOCN’s 2022 Women’s History Celebration

The Wisconsin Women of Color Network, Inc.’s 2022 Women’s History Celebration on Saturday, March 26, 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. at the DoubleTree Hilton Hotel, 525 W. Johnson St.

The WWOCN assists women of color in accessing educational resources, health care, social services, and political participation as it promotes leadership, cross-cultural awareness, and spiritual and economic well-being to enrich the lives of women of color, their families and their communities. The organization’s annual event is a chance to recognize outstanding local women of color in a variety of categories who will receive  2022 WWOCN Woman of Achievement Awards.

The four recipients this year — in their respective communities, African-American, Native American, Asian American and Latina — are Dr. Martha Stacker in public service, Nicole Soulier in education, Deepika Rajesh in business & industry and community service; and Nancy Gallegos in workforce management, business & industry and public service.

Valentina Ahedo will receive a Special Recognition Award for exemplary leadership. Longtime Madison-area community leader Dana Warren will be presented with the Lifetime Community Service Award

The theme of this year’s conference is “Celebrating Women of Achievement.” Focusing on the conference theme, the awardees will speak on their own life experiences to serve as an inspiration to all conference participants.

The public is invited but a reservation to attend is required.  A lunch buffet will be served at noon.


The reservation deadline is Monday, March 21.   Reservation forms are available on the WWOCN website.