Home Madison Madison Common Council unanimously passes new code of conduct for elected, appointed...

Madison Common Council unanimously passes new code of conduct for elected, appointed leaders


The Madison Common Council unanimously adopted a new coded of conduct for elected and appointed leaders on Tuesday night which is designed to communicate the expectation that “City-elected and appointed officials shall treat City staff, the public, and each other equitably and with dignity at all times.”

“I’m pleased with the work we accomplished to come up with a standard that is simple yet strong, and also provides support, training and resources. The passing of this code demonstrates our commitment to accountability and the continued learning and unlearning we all need to do as we advance the work of becoming a more inviting, equitable and inclusive community,” said Jael Currie, Council Vice President and Chair of the CCEC Subcommittee to Establish a Council Code of Conduct, in a statement.

The Elected and Appointed Official Code of Ethical Conduct, and the training and resources that will accompany it, affirms the Common Council’s and City’s commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion, and participatory government for all, the City of Madison said in a press release. It is part of a broader effort to foster an inclusive and welcoming environment both on the Council and on City boards, commissions, and committees (BCCs).”

“City-elected and appointed officials, in the performance of their duties, shall create and maintain a welcoming, respectful, and inclusive work environment and shall not engage in abusive, violent, bullying, harassing, discriminatory or other threatening or
intimidating behavior or language,” the policy reads. “Harassment of or discrimination against any person on the basis of any City protected class status or statuses is expressly prohibited.”

The City will also offer training and other supports to promote an inclusive and welcoming environment and provide elected and appointed officials with resources to assist them in resolving any issues that may arise.