Madison365 Week in Review for March 12


    UWHealthHere are your favorite stories from the past week, sponsored by UW Health.


    colleagues-437024_960_720We added a handful of open jobs listings.





    P_DianeBrody03James E. Mills spoke with yoga instructor Dianne Bondy, who works to make the practice more accessible.




    P_MenWhoCook2012 (19)We previewed today’s Men Who Cook competition.




    P_Immigrants02We looked into a new report on the deplorable working conditions still facing many Latinos in Dane County.




    Anti-Black TweetsWe reported on a study that found Madison to be the source of the 10th-most racially derogatory tweets in the United States.




    LatinoworkersCoiumnist Francisco Velazquez explained why Latino immigrants are good for the economy.