Home Featured Madison365 Week in Review for March 12

Madison365 Week in Review for March 12

Madison365 Week in Review for March 12

UWHealthHere are your favorite stories from the past week, sponsored by UW Health.


colleagues-437024_960_720We added a handful of open jobs listings.





P_DianeBrody03James E. Mills spoke with yoga instructor Dianne Bondy, who works to make the practice more accessible.




P_MenWhoCook2012 (19)We previewed today’s Men Who Cook competition.




P_Immigrants02We looked into a new report on the deplorable working conditions still facing many Latinos in Dane County.




Anti-Black TweetsWe reported on a study that found Madison to be the source of the 10th-most racially derogatory tweets in the United States.




LatinoworkersCoiumnist Francisco Velazquez explained why Latino immigrants are good for the economy.