Neo-Nazi Fears Killing of Black Man in NYC Will Give Neo-Nazis Bad Name

    He literally thinks peaceful white supremacists are in danger from unfair backlash.


    Neo-Nazi leader Andrew Anglin, founder of the white supremacist website The Daily Stormer, condemned the racially-motivated murder of Timothy Caughman, writing that it will reflect poorly on white supremacists.

    James Harris Jackson told investigators that he came to New York specifically to kill black men.
    James Harris Jackson told investigators that he came to New York specifically to kill black men.

    Authorities say James Jackson traveled from Baltimore to New York City with the intent to harm black people. He allegedly killed Caughman, a home health aid and collector of bottles and cans, with a sword, which he later said was “practice” for a larger attack in Times Square.

    Anglin wrote that “white supremacists are under no obligation to apologize for this attack,” but that it might prompt an unfair backlash.

    “White Supremacy is a religion of peace, and the overwhelming majority of White Supremacists are peaceful members of society who do not agree with stabbing random black people with swords,” he wrote. “The attack has nothing at all to do with the religion of White Supremacy.”

    He went on to claim that white supremacists would “be subject to unfair scrutiny and prejudice” and that people who look like white supremacists “will be unfairly discriminated against.”

    “It’s time for society to rally around White Supremacists, and show that we don’t blame them for the single act of someone who wrongly used their beliefs for evil.”

    Anglin proposed that white supremacists and their allies use the hashtag #IllRideWithYou to express willingness to accompany vulnerable, persecuted white supremacists to work “to ensure that they are safe and not victimized by bigots who would wrongly associate them with this attack whcih (sic), again, has absolutely nothing to do with White Supremacy.”